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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Featured Computer Quick Tips

Everyone (especially seniors)
should know this handy tip:

computer tip for seniors illustrated
While holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard -- rotate the scroll wheel in the middle of your mouse. (see image on right)
Go ahead and give it a try, right now.
On most computers this will magnify / shrink the size of websites.
Rolling the mouse wheel up will make everything bigger, while rolling the mouse wheel down will have the opposite effect.
So, next time you are having trouble reading small text on a website, simply hold down control and use the scroll wheel. Very handy -- pass this on to your friends.
It's the best thing since... Ctrl+c.
Alternative method: hold down CTRL and tap on the + and - buttons on the keyboard for the same effect.

Search text within any Web page

Ever end up on a site from a search engine, but can't find the exact words you are looking for? The answer is:
Ctrl + f
Go ahead and hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press "f" -- you should see a search box pop-up somewhere on your screen. (Usually near the bottom of the window). Now you can type any word into that search box and your internet browser with find and highlight each instance of that word as it appears on the page. You can also click the "next" button to allow the page to auto-scroll to the next instance of the word.
Neat, eh? I use this feature all the tim
Dealing With Error Messages
If you receive an error message you don't understand:
Type the error message into Google Search. You'll find other's who have had the same issue, and hopefully someone who has found the solution, as well. Don't just read one discussion or solution -- take the time to read a few different websites opinions before jumping to a conclusion.
This is an important lesson -- you can type any question into Google in plain english. It's so easy, but I am always amazed at how many people have problems "searching". Just search for what other people would search for... you are bound to stumble upon at least one person who has had the same problem as you and asked it to one of the many online discussion forums or Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers.
-- I'll be updating this section regularly with new computer tips in 2011.

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